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Scientific Research, How Much Protein is Appropriate for Daily Intake?

Zhang Wenhong is an Internet celebrity doctor at Shanghai Huashan Hospital. Not long ago, his suggestion for breakfast caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. Doctor Zhang suggested that we should eat less porridge for breakfast. And eat more eggs, drink more milk, eat more steaks and other foods. In fact, Dr. Zhang's suggestion is mainly to emphasize the importance of protein in the diet. This argument still makes sense.

The Chinese eat too many carbohydrates in their traditional diet. Many people overemphasize the importance of staple food. But they ignored the protein intake. Traditional nutrition requires protein intake. It requires 0.8 to 1 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This indicator is for adults. And it is proposed for healthy people. In fact, protein plays a very important role in people's bodies. It will participate in almost every physical activity in our body.The reason why traditional nutrition gives such an approximate intake recommendation. Mainly based on the measurement method of nitrogen balance. But this measurement method is more traditional and backward. And there are many flaws. The latest method of measuring protein is called IAAO. IAAO is the indicator amino acid oxidation test method. The protein tested by this test method is more accurate. Its protein intake circumvents many drawbacks of nitrogen balance testing methods. An approximate value obtained is 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For the vast majority of adult healthy people. It is a benchmark value for the lowest protein intake.

This method is relatively more scientific. At least it is much more scientific and accurate than the nitrogen balance test method. But such a benchmark value also has some drawbacks. For example, this value can only guarantee many of our healthy people. Or the normal adult group. Ensure that they will not cause various diseases due to lack of protein. But in fact, everyone's health, personal goals, and physical conditions are different. Everyone has individual differences. It is difficult to use a benchmark value to apply to all people. Therefore, data that ignores individual differences is not an optimal solution. The dietary guidelines of each country are a general rule revision. The knowledge related to nutrition is also updated very quickly. So for healthy adults without exercise habits. How much protein is appropriate for each day?

In response to this problem, someone did an eight-week experiment. They divided the subjects into three groups. One group consumed a low-protein diet, 0.7 grams per kilogram of body weight. The intake value for one group was 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. The third group is 3 grams per kilogram of body weight. Can be found from the test results this time. When the test population consumes 0.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Their muscle loss was reduced by 0.7 kg. When the protein intake reaches 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Their muscles gained 2.87 kg. When eating 3 grams of protein. Their muscles have gained 3.18 kg. Combine this research. For healthy adults who exercise less. The lower limit of the ideal protein intake range is 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. And the upper limit is 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. I believe this set of data can also provide you with reference.

Eric Carter