Albumen Powder

10 Benefits Of Eating Eggs For Kids And Its Nutritional Value

Benefits Of Egg Whites: From Reducing Blood Pressure To Inducing Weight Loss And More!

Eggs make for an important part of our breakfast and are known for their many health benefits; moreover, they are versatile. They can be made in to an omelette or can be scrambled, boiled, fried or just about anything. However, there has been a constant debate on how eggs also contribute to increased cholesterol level that is generally found in the egg yolk, which is why most people opt for only egg whites. Eating only egg whites instead of whole may lower the amount of calories, fat and saturated fats you consume. We reveal some benefits the much neglected egg whites have.

1. Cholesterol-Free

Once you have removed the egg yolk, the egg is left with no cholesterol content. Therefore, anyone who has high cholesterol levels can eat egg whites, leaving lesser chances of developing heart disease risk or elevation of cholesterol levels.

2. Rich In Protein

Whole eggs top the charts in terms of protein content, courtesy egg yolk. However, egg whites also tend to have generous amount of low-fat protein that is beneficial for the body. High quality protein helps build muscles and also helps you cut down on cravings and hunger pangs by keeping you fuller for long.

(Also read: The Colour Of The Egg Yolk Tells This About The Egg)

Whole eggs top the charts in terms of protein content, courtesy egg yolk​

3. Low-Calorie Food

Egg is not a high-calorie food in the first place; therefore, cutting the yolk out of the meal would only mean you are adding even lesser calories. So if you are looking to lose weight, make sure you opt for egg whites rather than the whole egg.

4. Helps In Maintaining Blood Pressure

The presence of potassium in an egg white may help reduce and maintain blood pressure levels. Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that is associated with heart and bone health along with the proper functioning of the body. According to a study by American Chemical Society, egg white contains a peptide called RVPSL, which is a component of protein that helps reduce blood pressure levels.

The presence of potassium in an egg white may help reduce and maintain blood pressure levels​

5. Helps Lower The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases

Potassium helps in lowering blood pressure, which in turn can avert any cardiovascular diseases. It works by promoting vasodilation, a process in which blood vessels widen, which allows smooth blood flow and prevent any chances of clogging.

6. Contains Essential Vitamins

Egg whites contain essential vitamins like A, B-12 and D. One of the most important vitamins is riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is necessary for preventing various conditions like age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and migraine headaches.

Egg whites contain essential vitamins like A, B-12 and D

Add egg whites to salads, make omelettes or scramble it; eat it anyway you'd like. Have an egg-cellent day!

Health Benefits of Egg Whites vs. Eating Whole Egg

By Helen West

Eggs are loaded with a variety of beneficial nutrients.

However, the nutritional value of an egg can vary greatly, depending on whether you eat the whole egg or just the egg whites.

The nutritional value of an egg can vary greatly, depending on whether you eat the whole egg or just the egg whites. Shutterstock

This article takes a detailed look at the nutritional profile of egg whites and explores whether they’re a healthier choice than whole eggs.

Nutrition Facts of Egg Whites and Whole Eggs

Egg whites are the clear, thick liquid that surrounds the bright yellow yolk of an egg.

In a fertilized egg, they act as a protective layer to defend a growing chicken from harmful bacteria. They also provide some nutrients for its growth.

Egg whites are made up of around 90 percent water and 10 percent protein.

So if you remove the yolk and choose just the egg white, then the nutritional value of your egg changes considerably.

The chart below shows the nutritional differences between the egg white of a large egg and a whole, large egg (1, 2):

As you can see, an egg white contains fewer calories and micronutrients, as well as less protein and fat, than a whole egg.

Bottom Line: An egg white contains fewer calories than a whole egg. It is also lower in protein, cholesterol, fat, vitamins and minerals.

They’re Low in Calories but High in Protein

Egg whites are high in protein but low in calories. In fact, they contain around 67 percent of all the protein found in eggs (1, 2).

Additionally, this protein is high-quality, complete protein. This means it contains all nine essential amino acids in the amounts your body needs to function at its best (3).

Due to their high protein content, eating egg whites may have some health benefits. Protein can help curb your appetite, so eating egg whites could make you feel fuller for longer (4, 5).

Getting enough protein in your diet is also really important for maintaining and building muscle, especially if you are trying to lose weight (6, 7).

Given that whole eggs provide you with only slightly more protein for quite a few extra calories, egg whites can be an appealing choice for people who are trying to lose weight.

Bottom Line: The egg whites from a large egg contain 4 grams of protein and only 17 calories. This can make them a good food choice for people trying to lose weight.

Egg Whites Are Low in Fat and Contain No Cholesterol

In the past, eggs have been a controversial food choice due to their high saturated fat and cholesterol content (8).

However, all of the cholesterol and fat in eggs is found in the egg yolk. Egg whites, on the other hand, are almost pure protein and contain no fat or cholesterol.

For years, this meant that eating egg whites was considered healthier than eating whole eggs (9).

But studies have now shown that for most people, the cholesterol in eggs isn’t a problem (10, 11).

Nevertheless, for a small number of people, eating cholesterol will raise blood levels slightly. These people called are “hyper-responders” (12).

Hyper-responders have genes that predispose them to high cholesterol, such as the ApoE4 gene. For these people or individuals with high cholesterol, egg whites may be a better choice (13, 14, 15).

Additionally, given that egg whites contain almost no fat, they are significantly lower in calories than whole eggs.

This can make them a good choice for people trying to limit their calorie intake and lose weight.

Bottom Line: Egg whites are low in cholesterol and fat. This makes them a good choice for people who need to limit their cholesterol intake, as well as those trying to lose weight.

Risks of Eating Egg Whites

Egg whites are usually a safe food choice. However, they do carry some risks.


Although egg whites are safe for most people, egg allergies can occur.

Most egg allergies are experienced by children, who often outgrow the condition by the time they reach the age of five (16).

An egg allergy is caused by your immune system incorrectly identifying some of the proteins in eggs as harmful (17).

Mild symptoms can include rashes, hives, swelling, a runny nose and itchy, watery eyes. People can also experience digestive distress, nausea and vomiting.

While it’s rare, eggs can cause a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock. This causes a number of symptoms, including severe swelling in your throat and face and a drop in blood pressure, which could be deadly if combined (18).

Salmonella Food Poisoning

Raw egg whites also pose a risk of food poisoning from the bacteria Salmonella.

Salmonella can be present in the egg or on the egg shell, although modern farming and cleanliness practices can minimize the risk.

Furthermore, cooking egg whites until they are solid significantly reduces your risk of this problem (19).

Reduced Biotin Absorption

Raw egg whites may also reduce the absorption of a compound called biotin, which is found in a wide variety of foods.

It’s a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in energy production (20).

Raw egg whites contain a protein called avidin, which can bind to biotin and stop it from being absorbed.

In theory, this could be a problem. However, you would have to eat large amounts of raw egg whites to cause a biotin deficiency.

Additionally, once the eggs are cooked, avidin doesn’t have the same effect.

Bottom Line: There are some risks associated with eating raw egg whites, including allergic reactions, food poisoning and biotin deficiency. However, the risk for most people is small.

Should You Eat Egg Whites or Whole Eggs?

Egg whites are high in protein yet low in calories, fat and cholesterol, which makes them a good food for weight loss.

Egg whites may also benefit those who have high protein requirements but need to watch their calorie intake, such as athletes or bodybuilders (21).

However, compared to whole eggs, egg whites are low in other nutrients. Whole eggs contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, extra protein and some healthy fats.

And despite eggs being high in cholesterol, a very recent analysis found no link between egg intake and the risk of heart disease. The same review found that eating up to one egg per day might actually reduce your risk of having a stroke (22).

Moreover, the nutrients found in eggs have been linked to a host of health benefits.

Egg yolks are also a rich source of two important antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, which help prevent eye degeneration and cataracts (23, 24, 25, 26).

They also contain choline, an essential nutrient that most people don’t get enough of (27, 28).

Eating whole eggs is also associated with making you feel full and helping you eat fewer calories (29, 30).

In fact, studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast could be helpful for lowering weight, BMI and waist circumference (31, 32).

However, if you are on a very strict calorie-controlled diet, have a family history of high cholesterol and heart disease or you already have high levels of cholesterol, then egg whites may be a healthier choice for you.

Bottom Line: Egg whites are lower in calories than whole eggs. However, they also lack many of the beneficial nutrients found in egg yolks.

Take Home Message

Egg whites are a high-protein, low-calorie food.

Yet for most people, there aren’t many benefits to choosing egg whites over whole eggs, as whole eggs provide you with many more beneficial nutrients.

That said, for some people, particularly those who need to limit their cholesterol intake or are trying to lose weight, egg whites can be a healthy food choice.

Reposted with permission from our media associate Authority Nutrition.

10 Benefits Of Eating Eggs For Kids And Its Nutritional Value


Eggs for kids are an excellent source of protein, iron, vitamins, and fats. But it should also be noted that you should refrain from giving too much egg to your little ones as it is a high source of protein and might adversely affect the kidneys if eaten in excess amounts. Too many eggs might also cause bloating and vomiting. Therefore, it is advised that children should have only about two eggs a day so that they may get other nutrients from different foods as well. Continue reading this post as we talk about the benefits of eggs for children and the ideal quantity for consumption.

Nutritional Values Of an Egg For Kids

Here is a per egg nutritional chart for you:

Calories 80 Protein 6.3 grams Carbohydrates 0.6 grams Total Fat 5.0 grams Sodium 63 milligrams Cholesterol 213 milligrams

How Many Eggs Should Your Kid Eat In A Day/Week?

There is no particular limit on the number of eggs a child can consume in a week, but it is generally believed that four eggs are ideal to ensure that he is getting the required nutrients and at the same time avoiding the risk of high cholesterol due to excessive consumption.

There is no harm in your child eating up to one egg a day. The best way is to feed your kid with a combination of foods to ensure that he is getting all the nutrients, instead of overfeeding him with just one type of food.

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Eggs For Kids

The next time your child complains too much about eating eggs, you can list him the benefits of eggs given below!

1. Complete protein

Eggs are a complete protein food. Each egg contains 6 grams of protein per serving.

Proteins are the building blocks for a young body and are required for new cell generation and regeneration of cells. Eggs help kids grow bigger and stronger.

2. Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin

Eggs are an excellent source of lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are essential for healthy eyes.

They keep vision sharp and reduces the impact macular degeneration.

They also ensure the health of the retina.

3. Eggs contain choline

Choline helps in building the membranes of the cells.

It also important for the development of the brain.

Choline is also responsible for the molecules of the brain which signal the nerves. 1 egg contains 100 mcg of choline.

4. Eggs contain omega-3s

Omega 3 are healthy fats found predominantly in fish.

Omega 3 helps in early brain development and cognitive memory.

Regular consumption of eggs can help delay the onset of arthritis and heart diseases as the kids mature into adults.

5. Eggs are replete with vitamin-D

Eggs are an excellent source of vitamin D .

Vitamin D is important for the bone health of growing kids.

Egg is the only food based source of vitamin D.

6. Eggs help in healthy hair and nails

Eggs contain 9 essential amino acids which help in the growth of the healthy nails and hair for kids.

Kids are always chewing off their nails or breaking them and eggs ensure faster regrowth.

You can also use egg as a natural conditioner!

7. Complete balance of fats

Eggs contain the right balance of saturated and unsaturated fats which make it an excellent snack for growing bodies.

We are fighting childhood obesity on a global scale and hence we can feed eggs to the kids without any worries about obesity.

Try poached or boiled eggs, rather than fried ones!

8. Eggs have minimal cholesterol

Eggs have minimal harmful cholesterol. In Fact, consumption of eggs leads to a spike in the HDL (good cholesterol).

This is extremely important keeping in mind the global children obesity epidemic.

You can prepare eggs with minimal fats lesser oil or boiled eggs ) to ensure that you kid receive adequate nutrition without the harmful effects.

9. Eggs contain B12

Eggs are an excellent source of the B12 vitamin. It is better to get this vitamin naturally, thank in pill form.

Vit B12 is essential for neural health.

This vitamin is also called cobalamin. It is important for your child’s brain and nervous system development.

10. Eggs contain folic acid

This water soluble vitamin is equally essential for the neural health of kids.

A folate deficiency can lead to weakness and nerve damage.

So, it is essential to load up on eggs for the right dose of folic acids.

All these egg benefits for kids reiterate the importance of eggs in their diet. Try and incorporate eggs in as many forms as possible as it is a versatile food.

Can Kids Eat Raw Eggs?

The AAP says, “Don’t allow your child to eat raw or partially cooked eggs, or products containing raw eggs.”

Frequently Asked Questions 1. At what age can I give eggs to my child? It is advised that you start including eggs in your child’s diet after they are about six months of age (1). 2. Do eggs fight memory loss in children? Eggs are a rich source of choline, which is known to nurture brain functions and memory skills. Therefore, they may be considered to help reduce the risks of memory loss (2).

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein and calcium for kids. Consuming one egg per day helps in the proper development of your child’s brain and cognitive memory. It also aids in strengthening their bones and muscles. However, eggs should be consumed in moderation to avoid the risk of high cholesterol. Therefore, give your child an appropriate amount of eggs to help them get their full benefits. You should also include other vegetables and fruits in their meals to make a balanced diet.

Infographic: Egg Recipes For A Wholesome Breakfast An egg is undoubtedly one of the most nutritious foods for children due to its vast nutritional content of vitamins, minerals, protein, and calories. So let your child get the required strength and energy for the day by feeding them tasty egg breakfasts with these easy recipes. Illustration: MomJunction Design Team


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy

Eggs for Babies and Children, Australian Eggs.

Best Foods for a Healthy Brain, NorthWestern Medicine.

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Eric Carter